Dr. Joan Speak With Jordan Mills About Repairing His Father-Son Relationship and His Spiritual Journey Through Divorce and Separation

Divorce and violence have permeated the black family for generations. The science of epigenetics is helping us to understand the ways in which the enslavement of our ancestors and the violations that were perpetrated against them continue to be with us and influence the ways in which our families are structured, the ways in which wives and husbands relate to one another, ways in which children and fathers relate to one another, and of course how we all relate to God.  Especially amongst those who call themselves spiritual, the misalignment of everyday life with what is supposed to be, can impact the faith of children and lead them off course for some time.  

In this episode of hey I’m listening, Dr. Joan speaks with Jordan Mills about his relationship with his father and the journey he moved through to recover from the pain caused by his parent’s separation.  With a Ph.D. in Selling Skills and Sales Operations, Jordon Co-founded alongside his wife Perfect Blend Marketing and Design Inc. He loves walking customers through difficult purchasing decisions and delivering software value. He is passionate about making a true and lasting impact in the lives of many young men around the world who desire to heal from deep-rooted pain and experience the true blessings of the Lord. Jordon hopes the black family will learn how to forgive, accept responsibility, apologize with sincerity, honor each of its members, and give and receive correction in the spirit of meekness.  

Connect with Jordon Mills jordonmills_@hotmail.com | IG: instagram.com/pilgrim.entrepreneur

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