Sometimes we desire genuine relationships with others but are not genuine, open, or interested in people. Building authentic and genuine friendships starts with first being authentic with yourself and being self-aware. We must know that our History, hobbies, and habits play a huge part in our connecting with others.
In this episode of Hey, I’m listening, Dr. Joan speaks with Coach Lee Hopkins about building friendships and being your authentic self.
Coach Lee Hopkins is a transgender man who helps people create lasting friendships. After struggling with loneliness most of his life, he’s tried various ways to resolve it without success. However, on his journey to make friends, he discovered that the more he learned about himself, the better he was able to connect with others. He’ll show us how this is possible for everyone.
Connect with Coach Lee Hopkins |
What you can expect from this episode
Part 1
00:07 Welcome & Introduction
01:04 “If you change the way you look at things, the things change”
02:06 What did you expect to shift?
04:31 What is the difference between cisgender and transgender
05:36 Is there a spiritual connectedness as you move through this journey?
07:07 The spiritual self has no gender
07:34 Did you ever think of going back to your assigned gender?
09:50 Where did the first sense of rejection come in?
11:47 What was the inspiration that told you “I am not female, I am male”?
15:25 Transitioning through gender and life
Part 2
00:07 Is it dissociation because of trauma?
03:17 Coach Lee talks about the quality of a good friendship
07:35 Now that you have moved through your journey, does it make it easier to form those friendships?
11:05 Closing the doors to friendships
15:23 Coach Lee discusses his coaching style and the path to self-discovery
Part 3
00:07 Experience yourself, be present
01:10 Concealing and revealing | Being your authentic self
07:00 Recommendations for parents
10:10 How to begin the journey of self-development
12:03 What are you here to build?
16:37 What is the one thing you need to bring your dreams to life?
14:34 Prayers for Coach Lee
About Dr. Joan
Dr. Joan Samuels-Dennis, Ph.D., is an award-winning Canadian speaker and authority on trauma recovery, reconciliation, and forgiveness. Joan has specialized in promoting the mental health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities for over a decade through her groundbreaking trauma recovery strategy, The Forgiveness Method.
Her career as an individual, couples, and family psychotherapist has helped countless people heal from their past, transform their mental health, overcome challenges, and reclaim their lives.
In 2016, she founded Becoming Inc., and in 2020 she founded the Village of Peace not-for-profit organization. Dr. Joan is the author of 490: Forgive and Live fearlessly, Forgive: Master The Art of Letting Go, and Becoming the Journey to Love, and the mind behind the revolutionary new therapeutic modality and certification “The Forgiveness Method” launching in 2023.
Dr. Joan is a Jamaican-Canadian Toronto native who lives in the beautiful community of Kamloops, B.C., alongside her loving husband and family.
Connect with Dr. Joan at | | |
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