Dr. Joan Speaks with Latisha Russell about childhood sexual abuse in the Black community, its impact and how we overcome it

Today, in the United States there are more than 42 million survivors of sexual abuse. 1 in 3 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18. 1 in 5 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18. 30% of sexual abuse is never reported. 90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way. There is worse lasting emotional damage when a child’s sexual abuse started before the age of six, and lasted for several years. Among child and teen victims of sexual abuse, there is a 42 percent increased chance of suicidal thoughts during adolescence.

Latisha B. Russell and I begin our conversation by focusing on the 3 things children must do to protect themselves from sexual abuse.

With a bachelor’s degree in Communications from Ball State University, a Master’s degree in Organizational Development and Human Resources from the University of Phoenix, Colorado, and adjunct professor appointments at multiple colleges and universities, Latisha has always touted the importance of education. For Latisha, the topic of child sexual abuse is a personal one. Using her own experiences, she has made it her mission to inspire women of sexual trauma by sharing her story of triumph and overcoming.

Connect with Latisha B. Russel – info@latishabrussell.com | IG: instagram.com/LatishaBRussell

What you can expect this episode

00:00 Welcome & Introduction

03:25 The 3 things we must teach our children so they can protect themselves from sexual abuse

07:38 Moving beyond “it was fine…”

14:00 How does sexual abuse set the trajectory of the victim’s life?

19:19 I didn’t want to die – How Latisha came out of the cycle of toxicity

23:18 The biggest challenge facing Black men and women who have faced childhood sexual abuse

26:07 Dealing with unconscious bias in the Black community

33:16 Latisha and Dr. Joan speak about the healing work that needs to begin in the Black community

38:27 Latisha, speaks about what she is here to build

41:25 Prayer for Latisha Russell

About Dr. Joan

Dr. Joan Samuels-Dennis, Ph.D., is an award-winning Canadian speaker and authority on trauma recovery, reconciliation, and forgiveness. Joan has specialized in promoting the mental health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities for over a decade through her groundbreaking trauma recovery strategy, The Forgiveness Method.

Her career as an individual, couples and family psychotherapist has helped countless people heal from their past, transform their mental health, overcome challenges, and reclaim their lives.

In 2016, she founded Becoming Inc., and in 2020 she founded the Village of Peace not-for-profit organization. Dr. Joan is the author of 490: Forgive and Live fearlessly, Forgive: Master The Art of Letting Go, and Becoming the Journey to Love, and the mind behind the revolutionary new therapeutic modality and certification “The Forgiveness Method” launching in 2023.

Dr. Joan is a Jamaican-Canadian Toronto native who lives in the beautiful community of Kamloops, B.C., alongside her loving husband and family.

Connect with Dr. Joan at www.drjoan.ca | forgiveness@drjoan.ca | www.theartoflettinggo.ca | www.thevillageofpeace.com

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⏰ Video Duration: 46:38 ツ


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