Dr. Joan speaks with Sean Henry about Optimism and how he has navigated through life challenges while staying positive.

Being optimistic is easy when life is going smoothly, and you are not faced with extreme challenges. However, life does not always go so smoothly, and being optimistic is believing that there will always be opportunities to make things better tomorrow, even if you are experiencing challenges today. Sometimes optimism is what you have to hope for a better day. 

In this episode of Hey, I’m listening, Dr. Joan speaks with Sean Henry about optimism and how he has navigated through life challenges while staying positive. 

Sean Henry is a professional educator who works as a Training and Development Specialist. He is the father of Samuel Henry who is nine years old and he comes from a dynamic family with 6 siblings. He is a graduate of Mico College University and the University of the West Indies Mona.

Connect with Sean Henry | seanomarhenry@yahoo.ca 

What you can expect from this episode 

Part 1 

00:00 Welcome & Introduction 

03:13 What optimism looks like in the midst of a spinal cord injury 05:20 What is optimism all about? 06:50 About Sean Henry 08:08 Sean discusses his spinal cord injury and how he regained his ability to walk 15:00 Remaining optimistic while facing hard situations 

Part 2 

00:07 Sean discusses losing his wife to cancer 

04:18 Post-traumatic growth | The exposure therapy 

05:28 The power of the subconscious mind 

07:55 How do you grieve? 

09:20 Dr. Joan discusses losing her mother | The 7-step process of grief 

12:53 Embrace your journey | Listen to what is happening around you 

Part 3 

00:07 You are the project 

01:27 Who are you supposed to become? 

03:00 Building a supportive ecosystem around you 

05:45 Sean discusses a pivotal decision and finding the positive in difficult situations | The circle of life 

10:45 What are you here to build? 

14:25 Affirmations for Sylvester

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