Hey, I'm Listening!

Celebrating all that is unique about people of African ancestry!

Welcome to Hey, I'm Listening! With Dr. Joan

It has been 463 years since the first African slaves stepped on to North and South American soil. Hey I’m Listening is hosted by Dr. Joan – a strong black woman who not only recognizes the traumatic wounds created by the enslavement experience; she is part of a movement that says it is time to heal. She is taking this one step further than most will go and suggesting that we – people of African Ancestry – are 100% responsible for our healing.

Hey, I’m listening invites thought leaders, therapists, community healers, coaches, spiritual teachers, entrepreneurs and community builders of African Descent to join us for a 30 to 45-minute conversation about their personal healing journey, the wisdom they gained along the way, and the passions that rose up in them once the major work was completed.

We believe that it is from our most challenging experiences that we learn the greatest life lessons. It is during these moments that we devise new ways of coping and innovative processes that shift how we think, what we believe, how we live, and the businesses we create.

Welcome to Hey, I'm Listening! With Dr. Joan

It has been 463 years since the first African slaves stepped on to North and South American soil. Hey I’m Listening is hosted by Dr. Joan – a strong black woman who not only recognizes the traumatic wounds created by the enslavement experience; she is part of a movement that says it is time to heal. She is taking this one step further than most will go and suggesting that we – people of African Ancestry – are 100% responsible for our healing.

Hey, I’m listening invites thought leaders, therapists, community healers, coaches, spiritual teachers, entrepreneurs and community builders of African Descent to join us for a 30 to 45-minute conversation about their personal healing journey, the wisdom they gained along the way, and the passions that rose up in them once the major work was completed.

We believe that it is from our most challenging experiences that we learn the greatest life lessons. It is during these moments that we devise new ways of coping and innovative processes that shift how we think, what we believe, how we live, and the businesses we create.

Explore the latest Episodes

Youth Development in the Black Community | Dr. Joan speaks with Shaun "SF" Banks Part 3
Today’s world contains far more information than ever before. For the Black community, technology has been a gain and a pain. Children are constantly exposed...
Kids and Socialization; Navigating the Modern World for Kids | Dr. Joan speaks with Shaun "SF" Banks Part 2
A child’s social development is just as important as other areas of development. How can parents and educators help them address their curiosities, confusions,...
The importance of engaged parents in 2023 | Dr. Joan speaks with Shaun "SF" Banks Part 1
In this episode of Hey, I’m Listening, Dr. Joan speaks with Shaun ‘SF’ Banks about The importance of engaged parents in 2023 Shaun SF. Banks have been involved in...
Restorative Justice | Dr. Joan speaks with Dr. Zaria Part 5
Over the years, the Black Community has experienced racial justice and this has continually surged in response to the rising number of murders of Black people by...
Women and Incarceration; Trauma and unmet needs | Dr. Joan speaks with Dr. Zaria Part 4
According to research, the number of incarcerated women increased by more than 475% between 1980 and 2020, rising from 26,326 in 1980 to 152,854 in 2020. Unfortunately,...
The Trauma of incarceration | Dr. Joan speaks with Dr. Zaria Davis Part 3
Even before entering prison, incarcerated people are more likely to have experienced abuse and trauma than those on the outside. The effects of this earlier trauma...
The Racialized History of the Criminal Legal System | Dr. Joan speaks with Dr. Zaria Part 2
There is an ongoing fight against mass incarceration, which has been steadily increasing. However, political and economic participation has played a significant...
Mass Incarceration and the Trauma Associated | Dr. Joan speaks with Dr. Zaria Part 1
One in every five people imprisoned worldwide is held in the United States. According to a 2014 Human Rights Watch report, “tough-on-crime” legislation...
Nehemiah's Prayer for the African Nation | Black History Month with Dr. Joan Part 6
In this episode of Hey, I’m Listening, Dr. Joan speaks about the prayer of Nehemiah and says a prayer for the Black Nation What you can expect from this episode...
The prayer of Nehemiah | Black History Month with Dr. Joan Part 6
In this episode of Hey, I’m Listening, Dr. Joan speaks about the prayer of Nehemiah and says a prayer for the Black Nation What you can expect from this episode...
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